Our company is a knowledge company that is specialized in manufacturing oil-free compressors, oxygen concentrators and any type of air compressors. We were established in 2020 by Samin Company, which was established in 2010 and is a knowledge company like us. We currently have the technical knowledge of both companies and produce 5,000 oil-free compressors per year. Many of our products can be used in home applications, industrial applications, and medical applications.
Danesh Ghateh Samin Co. from 2017 to the end of spring 2020 completed its research and the initial stage of production of oil-free medical compressors for oxygen concentrators. At this stage, it was necessary to establish a specialized company for the development of oil-free compressors, and this issue caused the knowledge-based company Hava Yar Tajhiz Bahar to be established in August 2020, and the mission of producing and developing oil-free compressors was assigned to this company.
Zist Tajhiz Danesh Pouya Company, by installing more than 2000 compressors of Hava Yar Company in one year on its oxygen concentrators with Oxygen Plus brand, has made the products of Hava Yar Company trustworthy, which is the results of the efforts of Danesh Ghateh Company.